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Inviting Women’s Rights Organisations for “Leading from the South” Programme

Deadline: 17 February 2017

The South Asia Women Fund (SAWF) is currently inviting applicants for its Leading from the South programme with an aim to support activism devised, implemented, and led by women’s rights organisations in the global South.
Special attention will be given for outreach to women in marginalised communities facing multiple discrimination – (women from minority and indigenous communities facing ethnic and caste based violence; LBTIQ communities; women in stigmatised and informal labour; refugees; internally displaced; women with disabilities; women from conflict- affected areas, etc.)
  • Addressing all forms of Violence Against Women and Girls and advancing women’s bodily integrity and autonomy
  • Protecting and ensuring full economic rights and justice for women and girls
  • Expanding democratic space, sustaining inclusive governance and equal participation of women
 Priority will be given to groups and organisations that seek to:
  • Strengthen women’s voice and leadership at the grassroots level
  • Expand the Right to safe mobility and secure livelihoods
  • Invest in Young Women’s Leadership
  • Increase Access to Justice
  • Extend Environmental Justice
Grant Type and Size
  • Frontline Defenders: Groups working at the community and sub-national levels as the front line of defence against rights violations and/or as mobilisers of women’s movements. A maximum of 10 grantswill be awarded.
    • Applicants may apply for a grant for 1, 2 or 3.5 years
    • Grant amount budgeted can be between 12,500 to 30,000 Euros per annum
    • Annual budget of the applying organisation should be between 22,000 and 70,000 Euros per annum.
    • The grant amount requested cannot be more than 50% of the organisation’s budget.
  • Amplifying the Voices: Organisations and networks working at the local, national or regional level with communities and policy makers. Their work need not be direct community implementation and can be focused on knowledge and capacity building, research, as well as evidence based advocacy at local, national, regional and even at the international level. Groups can also apply for sustaining an on-going campaign or launching a new one. A maximum of 5 grants will be awarded.
    • Applicants may apply for a grant for minimum of 1 year and maximum of 2 years.
    • Grant amount budgeted should be between a minimum 75,000 Euro and maximum 100,000 Euro per annum
    • The annual budget of the applying organisation should be a minimum of 70,000 Euro per annum and maximum of 265,000 per annum
    • The grant amount requested cannot be more than 45% of the organisation’s budget.
  • Promoting Regional Feminist Agendas: Organisations and networks working on capacity building, research and advocacy initiatives at the sub regional, regional or cross regional level. Priority will be given to groups that are working with international treaty bodies and regional inter-governmental organisations/or cooperation entities such as SAARC and ASEAN.
    • Applicants may apply for a grant for minimum of 1 year and maximum of 2 years
    • Grant amount budgeted should be between a minimum 200,000 Euro and maximum 300,000 Euro per annum
    • The annual budget of the applying organisation/networks should be a minimum of 265,000 Euro and maximum of 132,000 Euro per annum.
    • The grant amount requested cannot be more than 45% of the organisation’s budget.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Only women’s rights organisations, networks, and women’s funds can apply for a grant. Applicant organisations must have:
    • 70% women in its Governing Body/Board;
    • 60% women on the staff and a woman Head of organisation;
    • 70% programmatic resources dedicated for direct programming on women’s rights;
    • Women’s Funds need to be registered and working in the region for a minimum of 3 years.
  • Two or more women’s groups/networks can jointly apply as a consortium for any of the grant categories. There will be one lead organisation for receipt of grant and needs to adhere to criteria.
  • Organisations need to be registered in the countries specified in Section II. Please note that organisations based and/or working outside of the specified countries are not eligible for applying for support under this programme.
  • Organisations must have the requisite legal registration to receive grants from foreign sources.
  • Political parties, faith-based organizations, educational institutions and individuals are not eligible forfunding either independently or as part of a consortium.
  • Activities to be considered for the grant:
    • Community leadership building of women
    • Community awareness on rights of women
    • Directly supporting cases of Violence Against Women – supporting case work and legal aid to women survivors and litigants.
    • Trainings/capacity building/workshops for various stakeholders
    • Research studies that will influence local/national/ regional policy; and/or research on emerging women’s rights issues
    • Engagement with international treaty bodies and inter-governmental regional organizations such as ASEAN and SAARC
    • Developing knowledge tools and kits to strengthen the work of women’s movements
    • Artivism: using art as a tool of street theater, films, etc.
    • Information, Technology and Communications related activities such as developing apps, digital security, online feminist spaces – websites, blogs, forums, running feminist tech centers etc.
    • New campaigns and sustaining ongoing campaigns
    • National, sub-regional and regional level feminist convergences
    • Support to women’s human rights defenders groups to ensure their safety and security
How to Apply
Interested applicants can submit the application packet (Proposal, Budget and all required documentation) via email at the address given on the website.
Eligible Countries:
South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Pakistan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka
South East and East Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam; and Mongolia.
For more information, please visit Leading from the South.

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