During one of his sessions with students in Arusha, Wilhelm Caspar Oddo engaged in teaching.

We had the opportunity to engage in a one-on-one discussion with Wilhelm Caspar Oddo, who is known for his roles as a businessman, tech enthusiast, and social entrepreneur. Our focus was particularly drawn to his venture in the college business, a path less traveled by individuals of his age group. Here's what he had to share with us.

1. What inspired you to establish this tech college?

I established this tech college with the goal of closing the divide between conventional education and the rapidly evolving technology sector. Having personally witnessed the profound impact of technology, I felt compelled to establish an institution that offers students innovative learning experiences to excel in this dynamic field. This aspiration originated during my tenure as a Tutorial Assistant at Kampala International University, where I encountered numerous students seeking educational alternatives beyond our existing curriculum. In late 2010, recognizing this need, I began collaborating with these ambitious individuals, nurturing their talents from my home. To deepen my understanding of programming, particularly in mobile app development and web-based applications, I embarked on journeys to Nairobi, Kenya, immersing myself in learning experiences at Nailab and Ecomobilis.

2. What sets your tech college apart from others in terms of mission and approach to education?

Our tech college is driven by a mission to empower students to become agile problem-solvers and innovators. We emphasize hands-on learning, collaboration, and interdisciplinary approaches to education. Our programs are designed to be adaptable, ensuring that students graduate with the skills and mindset needed to succeed in an ever-changing tech landscape.

3. How do you ensure that your curriculum remains relevant in the fast-paced tech industry?

We consistently assess and revise our curriculum in partnership with industry professionals to maintain relevance with the latest trends and technologies. Furthermore, we place a strong emphasis on experiential learning, internships, and industry projects to offer students practical exposure and keep them updated on industry advancements. While we initially relied on the curriculum provided by NACTE, we have recently developed our own tailored curriculum. Our ongoing efforts are dedicated to ensuring alignment with the demands of the job market.

4. Can you tell me about some notable successes or achievements of your students or alumni?

Our alumni have pursued careers at leading tech companies, initiated successful startups, and made significant contributions across various sectors within the technology industry. Many acknowledge that their accomplishments are attributed to the practical skills and networking opportunities they acquired during their tenure at our tech college. It's worth noting that NLab, which commenced in 2010 as an open space for youth from diverse educational backgrounds to collaborate and learn, has been instrumental in this journey. A considerable number of students who initially enrolled continued their education or careers in the computer field. Others ventured into entrepreneurship, often returning to mentor and support new students entering the program.

5. How do you foster innovation and creativity among your students?

We foster innovation and creativity through project-based learning, hackathons, and interdisciplinary collaborations. Our faculty members encourage students to think critically, explore new ideas, and take risks in a supportive environment.

6. What resources and support systems do you offer to help students succeed academically and professionally?

 We provide students with access to state-of-the-art facilities, mentorship programs, career counseling services, and networking opportunities with industry professionals. Additionally, we offer financial aid and scholarships to ensure that all students have equal opportunities for success.

7.  How do you collaborate with industry partners to provide real-world experiences for your students?

We partner with leading companies in the tech industry to offer internships, co-op programs, and industry-sponsored projects. These partnerships provide students with invaluable hands-on experience and networking opportunities while allowing industry partners to engage with the next generation of talent.

8. In what ways do you support diversity and inclusion within your tech college community?

We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive learning environment where students from all backgrounds feel welcome and valued. We actively recruit a diverse student body and faculty, offer diversity-focused programming and initiatives, and provide resources and support for underrepresented groups in tech.

9. How do you incorporate emerging technologies and trends into your educational programs?

We consistently refresh our curriculum to incorporate emerging technologies and trends, seamlessly integrating them into coursework, projects, and research avenues. Moreover, we provide specialized courses and workshops covering areas like artificial intelligence. In the near future, we plan to expand into blockchain and cybersecurity. These initiatives are aimed at equipping students with the requisite skills to thrive in the evolving landscape of technology.

10. What measures do you take to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the future job market?

We focus on developing a diverse set of skills, including technical proficiency, critical thinking, communication, and adaptability, to prepare students for the evolving job market. Additionally, we provide career counseling, professional development workshops, and networking opportunities to help students transition successfully into their chosen careers.

11. Can you share any exciting developments or future plans for your tech college?

 We are constantly innovating and expanding our programs to meet the evolving needs of the tech industry. Some of our future plans include launching new interdisciplinary programs, expanding our industry partnerships, and investing in cutting-edge research initiatives.

12. How do you ensure that your graduates are well-equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their careers?

We regularly assess student learning outcomes and solicit feedback from employers to ensure that our graduates possess the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their chosen fields. Additionally, we offer alumni resources and support to help them continue to grow and advance in their careers.

13. How do you encourage entrepreneurship and innovation among your students?

 We provide students with resources and support to pursue entrepreneurial ventures, including startup incubators, mentorship programs, and funding opportunities. We also encourage students to think creatively, take risks, and explore new ideas through coursework, competitions, and extracurricular activities.

14. What opportunities do you provide for students to engage in research and collaborative projects?

We offer research opportunities through faculty-led projects, industry collaborations, and partnerships with research institutions. Students have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research initiatives, publish papers, and present their findings at conferences, providing them with valuable experience and exposure to the research process.

15.  How do you stay connected with alumni and leverage their expertise to benefit current students?

We maintain a strong alumni network through events, newsletters, social media, and mentorship programs. Alumni are invited to guest lecture, participate in panel discussions, and serve as mentors to current students, providing valuable insights and connections to the industry.