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"Empowering Youth Voices: Modesta Joseph's Ovah Initiative Takes on Harassment and Promotes Sexual Health Education Through 'Elimika na Mwajuma'"

What inspired you to start Ovah, and what does the organization aim to achieve in combating harassment in the community?
Modesta: "Ovah was inspired by a deep-rooted desire to address the pervasive issue of harassment in our community. I witnessed firsthand the impact harassment had on individuals, particularly young girls like myself, and I felt compelled to take action. Ovah aims to create a safer and more supportive environment where everyone can thrive without fear of harassment or violence."

Could you share some key milestones or achievements of Ovah since its inception? How has the organization made an impact in addressing harassment?
Modesta: "Since its inception, Ovah has achieved several milestones in our efforts to combat harassment. We've conducted numerous awareness campaigns, workshops, and advocacy initiatives to educate the community about the importance of respecting boundaries and standing up against harassment. Additionally, we've provided support and resources to individuals who have experienced harassment, empowering them to seek justice and support."

What were some of the challenges you faced when starting Ovah, and how did you overcome them?

Modesta: "Starting Ovah was not without its challenges. We faced resistance from those who downplayed the seriousness of harassment or were reluctant to address it. However, through perseverance, collaboration with like-minded individuals and organizations, and the unwavering commitment of our team, we were able to overcome these challenges and make meaningful progress in our mission."
I'm intrigued by the "Elimika na Mwajuma" series. What motivated you to create this animation series, and what topics do you cover in the episodes?

Modesta: "The 'Elimika na Mwajuma' series was born out of a need to address the lack of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education, particularly among adolescents. The series covers topics such as rape culture, sexual corruption, early marriage, and intimate partner violence, using relatable characters and engaging storytelling to raise awareness and empower viewers to take action."
How do you believe the "Elimika na Mwajuma" series is making a difference in raising awareness about sexual and gender-based violence, especially among adolescents?

Modesta: "The 'Elimika na Mwajuma' series has been instrumental in raising awareness about sexual and gender-based violence, especially among adolescents. Through the series, we've sparked important conversations, challenged harmful norms, and provided viewers with the knowledge and resources they need to protect themselves and support others."
Can you tell us about the process of co-creating the animations for "Elimika na Mwajuma"? 
How do you involve adolescents in shaping the content and messages of the series?

Modesta: "Co-creating the animations for 'Elimika na Mwajuma' involves a collaborative process with adolescents from the communities we serve. We engage them in brainstorming sessions, scriptwriting workshops, and character development activities to ensure that the content is relevant, relatable, and impactful."

What impact have you seen from the "Elimika na Mwajuma" series so far? Are there any stories or feedback from viewers that particularly stand out to you?
Modesta: "We've seen firsthand the impact of the 'Elimika na Mwajuma' series, from increased awareness and knowledge among viewers to tangible changes in behavior and attitudes. One story that stands out to me is a young girl who reached out to us after watching the series, sharing her experience of harassment and expressing gratitude for the support and guidance she received."

How do you envision the future of Ovah and the "Elimika na Mwajuma" initiative? Are there any upcoming projects or plans you're excited about?
Modesta: "Looking ahead, I envision Ovah continuing to expand its reach and impact, reaching even more individuals with our message of empowerment and respect. We have exciting plans for future projects, including expanding the 'Elimika na Mwajuma' series and launching new initiatives to address other forms of harassment and violence."

In your experience, what role do you think organizations like Ovah play in fostering a safer and more inclusive community for everyone, especially marginalized groups?

Modesta: "Organizations like Ovah play a crucial role in fostering a safer and more inclusive community for everyone, especially marginalized groups. By raising awareness, providing support, and advocating for change, we can create a world where harassment and violence are no longer tolerated, and everyone can live free from fear."
Lastly, what advice would you give to young people who aspire to make a difference in their communities, particularly in addressing issues like harassment and sexual violence?

Modesta: "To young people who aspire to make a difference in their communities, my advice is to never underestimate the power of your voice and actions. Stand up for what you believe in, even when it's difficult, and don't be afraid to challenge the status quo. Together, we can create a better, more equitable world for all."

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